Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 8: Summing Up Week One Of The Challenge

I'm not going to lie to you and say that this has been the best week ever. I've actually had a really horrible week. We've had a lot of personal things happen that we didn't think would be in the cards when we started our challenge. I've had a death in the family, worked way too many hours while sick, and got diagnosed with H1N1 Flu. Not great. It has been hard...

But, surprisingly, this challenge was not the toughest part of this week. It was actually kind of fun. It has been almost like a game between my husband and I to see who could figure out ways to save money. My friends have gotten involved too. I've been getting pearls of wisdom from other ladies and moms who are also on a budget.

Better yet we are eating healthier and my poor neglected kitchen is getting the use it deserves. I have renewed my passion for cooking, baking, and inventing new recipes. Hopefully Konner will learn that mommies and daddies make food; that it doesn't magically appear out of a paper sack with a pig tailed girl, golden arches, or a big derby hat on the front.

I do imagine that it will get a little tougher in the weeks to come, but I hope that we are rewiring ourselves to be a frugal family. If the article I posted or my and my husband's personal challenge have inspired you to take a financial fast, please please please write me a comment, e-mail, or facebook message letting me know how it has been for you. I'd love to hear about it!

Pennies found this week: Coupon shopping, making my own all purpose cleaner, freezing bread, cooking at home, preparing and portioning myself, and avoiding eating out.

Thanks for all the encouragement and tips over the course of this week!

-Mommy Cori

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