Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 2: Trying to Start Smart

Today I decided to tackle my first trip to the grocery store as a reformed mommy. I started by eating lunch before shopping to minimize impulse buying. I also went to my mom's and clipped some coupons from her newspaper. (We don't have a subscription.) I tried to shop smart. I bought staples and things we use often. In all I spent about $75. Part of that was a $15 can of baby formula and about $15 worth of ingredients for a massive batch of chili.

After my shopping trip I got started on my huge pot of chili. We ate chili tonight with my in-laws and should have enough for Frito pie tomorrow with my parents. I also froze a few more servings big enough for my husband and I. We plan to use it as a base for other dishes in the future; chili puffs, cornbread pie, hot dog or burger topping, and maybe even to put on top of enchiladas.

Melissa, a stay at home mommy of two, gave me the link to a site all about homemade green cleaners. I used the formula in it to make my own non toxic all purpose cleaner. One large jug of vinegar and two boxes of baking soda cost me $3.52 and will probably make at least 15 batches of cleaner. It actually works really well too! It cut through the chili splatter on the stove!

I also found a potential way to make a few extra pennies today. Last week I made up a new recipe for "taco puffs" and brought some to work for my lunch. I let one of coworkers try one and she seemed to really like it. Today she asked me if she could pay me to make a bunch for her and freeze them. I may actually get a little business making cakes and "bake and serve" dinners on the side. I'm hoping that doing this along with my Avon business will help keep us going when I make the leap to staying at home.

I'd almost decided to constrain myself from spending any of my Avon profits on product for myself but I found out today that a few well chosen items can actually help sales. I bought a set of earrings from my demo book last week that appear in my current catalog. I've been wearing them around and have had several compliments on them. I've been able to point out in my books exactly where they can buy them.

I think I found my pennies for today and I had fun doing it!

-Mommy Cori

1 comment:

  1. oh, yay! glad I could help! When I got done messaging you, I thought, oh geez, this woman's going to think I'm crazy!
