Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Challenge

Today we got the call. Another prospective job that my husband applied for went to someone else. We are second place again.

No, he isn't jobless. He actually works two jobs but neither is that great and they certainly aren't the type of jobs that make us glad we went into debt going to college. I also have a job; and that is my problem. I have a three and half month old little boy and I long for, more than anything, to be able to stay home with him.

After getting our news I quickly flung myself into "poor me" mode and decided that the world must be conspiring against us. I want desperately to quit my job before Christmas. I know that my current job will require hours over the holidays and I did not have a child so that I could miss out on the important parts of his life. While posting to friends on FaceBook about my current state I surfed over to and found this article about taking on a 30 day challenge of not spending.

A light bulb finally came on in a brilliant flash.

If I want to stay at home, I'm the only one holding me back. My husband getting a better job would help but ultimately my ability to manage my home and money would make a bigger impact. I also strongly believe that my God and Savior does provide for us and that he gives us the desires of our heart if they are pure and serve Him. The problem is that he sometimes gives us every tool we need but we don't take hold of it.

I have friends that literally have to count every penny. I complain about having to work instead of staying home with my son but how often do I order take-out because I'm too lazy to cook? How many times a month do I go buy a $5 cup of coffee when I could make it for pennies at home? If I want to stay home, I have to make it happen.

I, friends, am taking on the challenge and I hope to chronicle my progress in this blog. My only hope is that making myself blog daily about my efforts will keep me accountable to this. If it helps anyone else make the leap in the progress that is an added benefit.

My Pennies Found Today: I just started today by talking it over with my husband. We decided to make it a family effort. Our first big leap of faith was to cancel our Direct TV. We have internet, movies, and a Wii; do we really need it? Plus we have a three month old, dishes that always need to be done, and a pile of laundry that never seems to go away. If we can't find ways to keep busy, shame on us.

-Mommy Cori

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