Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 6-7: Make It Yourself

Sorry for the lapse yesterday. We had a death in the family and I was attending a funeral.

Something I've discovered this week is that making/preparing/portioning yourself is almost always cheaper. If you like pudding or Jell-o, buy the box mix and then portion it out yourself. The same goes for applesauce. I always keep applesauce in the house. Instead of buying the small self servings I am now keeping a large jar of the generic in my fridge.

Cheese is cheaper by the block than pre-shredded. One 2lb block of cheese can last my family a couple weeks. I just grate or cut what I need.

Snack cakes for kids' lunches can also be expensive. I've found a recipe for a really good homemade snack cake/cookie!


1 package favorite cake mix (look for the ones on sale!)
1 container frosting that goes with desired cake mix (coupons?)
2 large eggs
1/3 cup applesauce

Preheat oven to 375. Mix cake mix, eggs, and applesauce until well blended. Use a small cookie scoop to place 1inch balls of dough on ungreased cookie sheet. Coat the bottom of a glass in flour or powdered sugar and use to press each ball down into a cookie shape. Bake for 5-10 minutes. Cookies will be a cake-like consistency and not doughy on the top when done. Frost with desired frosting for a Cake Cookie or frost the bottom of one cookie and place another on top of it for a homemade snack cake.

These cookies/snack cakes are awesome! I've made them with the white cake/frosting and with red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting.

Another tip: Keep yourself well! I got the flu and had to buy TamaFlu for my family. Getting sick definitely does not save pennies.

-Mommy Cori

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Cori! This is Tasha Booth, from HPU. I linked over to your site from Keri's. Congrats on your little one! And yea for saving money! I'm obsessed these days with couponing and sales, too. Where are you guys living? Some good sites to follow for grocery sales and freebies: and But I definitely recommend getting a newspaper subscription or at least picking one up on Sundays - that's the best way to get the coupons and save more money!
